Do Yourself A Favor And See Solo: A Star Wars Story

Do Yourself A Favor And See Solo: A Star Wars Story

During the past few months, the activity on this website has been literally nothing. Zero. I haven't logged onto Henry's Movie Guide to share my opinions on cinema with the rest of the world for a dozen weeks. It's one of those things where even though it's fun for me, to write movie reviews and rant about my favorite franchises and films, I procrastinate doing it for a bizarre, unexplainable amount of time to the point where I feel kind of detached from it. If you're one of the few (depressingly few) people who regularly check this site for updates and new content, then you know how often I apologize to my entire fanbase for the alarmingly inconsistent uploads. Yet here I am again, apologizing. I hope if you're reading this you've taken the time to read my review for The Thing (1982), which I wrote months ago but am only posting now. If you didn't already know this, I've been really far behind with Henry's Movie Guide for years now, almost the entire time it has even existed. I've struggled to post new reviews and articles about movies for a super long time, longer than even I'm ready to admit as a 13-year old boy. I am busy. I am really, really busy. I have school, grades, sports, family obligations, a social life, and just a life in general to worry about, and there's just a ton of stuff that I have to do, all the time. But something that has been nagging me at the back of my head since the 5th grade has been this website. I love it, I really do, but it is way more stressful than everyone I've ever told about it realizes. If you're wondering, then yes: I have been watching lots of movies recently throughout 2018. As of June 27, I have seen 57 movies this year, starting with Good Will Hunting in January and most recently Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), which I saw yesterday. I don't know exactly how many you have been watching, but I'm gonna go ahead and guess that it's less than that. I have been writing a lot less movie reviews, which I guess is sort of sad, but I'm not too worried about it because I have at least 50+ backed up reviews that have been fully written but not published. Publishing is another thing that takes a strange amount of effort. The editing process is occasionally grueling, but I get lazy sometimes and just look over it, which is something I want to stop doing. My goal within the next few months is to publish at least 6 movie reviews, edited nearly perfectly, and to finally catch the tiniest bit up with this website's foundational statement: "Family-friendly movie reviews published once a week" (yeah, right). Anyways, I haven't been writing a whole lot of actual reviews on movies I've seen lately, and it sucks, too, because that means I've been missing out on writing reviews on newer releases. Since Black Panther in February, I have seen Ready Player One, Avengers: Infinity War, Solo: A Star Wars Story, and Won't You Be My Neighbor? all in theaters. I didn't review a single one, to my displeasure and probably yours, if you are reading this. But since I didn't write a review of Solo, which, out of all of them, I am most disappointed with the fact that I missed out reviewing it, I will go ahead and tell you, in this weird and stupidly long message, to go and see it in theaters if you haven't. There's still time, I've checked. It's still in theaters, believe it or not. But it won't be for long, and if you still haven't seen it by the time it hits streaming services or whatever you guys use, then see it then. I'm serious. It's worth watching. It made me oddly sad when I saw that this corporate, big-budget movie, that actually ended up being great, had a low box office reception. Why didn't anybody go see it? It's Star Wars, for crying out loud! Is it maybe because two and a half hour huge-budget movie after two and a half hour huge-budget movie is getting people tired of seeing films in theaters in general? Star Wars: The Last Jedi might have been pretty good at best, and I think that was when people started to realize they wanted some more movies like the ones they grew up with, which were most likely more medium-budgeted (I personally want more movies like Logan Lucky, which nobody saw and was my favorite movie of 2017). But yeah, support movies, guys. See Solo. See more good movies that maybe aren't Marvel or Star Wars. They're definitely out there, but people sometimes just don't try hard enough to find them. Movies are really a great thing. 

Escape From L.A. (1996) Movie Review

Escape From L.A. (1996) Movie Review

The Thing (1982) Movie Review

The Thing (1982) Movie Review